SESAM is already making significant contribution to the socio-economic growth of country and wellbeing of mankind in several areas. We position ourselves to be of service to mankind and herein is our portfolio
Governance and Structure
SESAM is under the governorship of the Board of Directors that provide the Policy direction of the Company and remain the legal owners of the company. It is run on a day to day basis by the secretariat that forms the management.
With different areas of focus, SESAM has different officers dealing with those areas on a day to day basis. It should also be noted that due to the efficiency value, SESAM believes in out-sourcing. This gives quality service to our clients for less.
Our Services
SESAM is already making significant contribution to the socio-economic growth of the country and wellbeing of mankind in several areas. As we position ourselves to be of service to mankind, we specialize in the following areas